VR Variables in Training Builder

Using the visual Training Builder, users can add variables of the following types:
String Variable: Stores object names, message data, ..etc
Number Variable: Supports both integer and float numbers, can be used for counting, and storing/calculating values
Time Variable: can save the time at any stage of the VR experience
String Variables
Initial value can be set to any string in the variable editor in training builder.
When used in Change Variable response, string should be surrounded in single quotations (' ')
Expression supported operations include adding strings, and substring
Time Variables
Initial value for all time variables is set to the start time of the VR experience.
At any point of the VR experience the user can capture current time and store it in a time variable
Number Variables
Initial Value can be set to any float or integer numbers
The following operations are supported for number variables
Increment: Adds one to the current value
Decrement: Subtracts one from the current value
Time Difference: calculates the different in seconds (up millisecond precision) between two time variables
Expression: large number of expressions are supported we will discuss those in a new article to be published soon.
Variable writer
This tool enables the user to track the value of a variable in the VR experience
The value of the variable is updated dynamically, so whenever the variable value changes the variable writer will be updated to show the new value of the variable
Variable writer is available under the VR Effects menu.
The user can control its size, and place, so it can be aligned on a wall in the scene or on a monitor
User selects which variable to view, color of the text, and prefix text.
Having multiple variable writers belonging to the same group make them have the same font size.