Animation Recording Group
In this group, two buttons are displayed to start and stop recording from the Graphical User Interface (GUI), as shown in the following image. The Record toolbar provides flexible options to start and stop recorder associated with the active walk-through and depending on your set up:
Start: Recording starts when you click the Start button. Use this button to manually start the recording.
Stop: To stop recording, click Stop button. You can always stop recorder manually. When you click Stop, a dialog box appears with the following parameters (as shown in the following image):
1. Starting frame: Specify the number of the frame where you want the animation starts from.
2. FPS (Frames per second): Determine the Frame Rate in which to produce unique consecutive images.
3. Stop walk-through mode: A checkbox option enforces you to exit walk-through mode back to the Active Camera once Save button is clicked.
4. Save: Save the recording settings
5. Discard: Reject last recording session.