Composer 8

Showroom Screen

VR showroom
As another part of the SimLab VR framework for users, VR Showroom is an application that presents a professional way to store, manage, exhibit, share your VR scenes and projects with others.
Using SimLab VR showroom allows user to see the list of available 3d models on the left side of the framework, after selecting the models the user can starting desktop viewer  or VR mode.
The user can access the online tutorial page by clicking on the image below on our website for more tutorials:
Adding the scene on showroom is very simple to do that, export the model you want to share from SimLab composer as a  (*zim) file, then adding the model on the showroom.
As you see in the image below,  User can filter the models out of tags.
There are several elements that provide structure to how the commands are presented in the user- interface, as shown below.
  • Start Edit Mode: by clicking on this icon the user can add images, edit the title and the publisher and edit the  description.
  • Upload Package:
  • Share Package:
  • Pack Package: This function button display Pack the Scene dialog, in which the user can create (*.vrpackage) file based on the selected file format from the list.
  • Delete Package: by clicking this icon the user can delete the package from the list.
  • Edit Package Tags: by clicking this icon the user can remove or add tags.
  • Help: by clicking this icon the user can access the online tutorial page.
Showroom VR cloud client video tutorials: