Composer 9.1


Navigation in VR
* Keyboard:
You can use your computer's keyboard to move within prospect when paired with an HTC Vive, here are the key mappings.
1- Arrows:
movement key:
  •  Up Arrow.
2.  Down Arrow.
3.  Right  Arrow.
4.  Left Arrow.
2- Advanced Options:
  •   (M)  Switch between first person mode and cursor (mouse) mode.
  •   (M)  Switch between navigation mode to mouse mode.
  •   (H)   Hide/show hand.
  •   (1)    Default
  •   (2)    Apply Scene Building Mode
  •   (3)    Show Pins (Lists)
  •   (4)    View teleportation points
  •   (5)    Apply Measurement
  •   (space) Jump.
* Mouse:
Use your mouse to interact with objects in the VR world.
1- Left Mouse Button:
  • Press and hold to show a selection pointer on screen and activate highlight mode for objects that have actions (Scene States, Animation Sequences, and Sounds) applied to them.
  •  While the selection pointer is pointing on an object that has an action, release to activate the action.
2- Right Mouse Button:
Press and hold to to grab grabbable objects.
Single click to activate the highlight mode for grabbable objects.
3- Scroll Wheel:
  • Move hand closer or further.
  • Clicking MButton, the GUI menu below will appear. In this menu, user can find several useful options that allow her\him to edit materials and environments, add notes and insert models and objects into the scene of the VR Viewer without going back to the Composer and running the Viewer again. User can also save all changes directly from the viewer.
1. Hide the Menu/GUI
3. Material Editor: In this menu as shown above, user can select any material from the object in the VR Viewer and change its color, material type (Plastic, Metal, glass, Emitter and water), with the useful basic settings into the VR Viewer. also her\him can save the material in the small library under the "Captured Materials" from the viewer by select the Eyedropper icon and press on the object, her\him can apply the selected material from this library on the objects by select the green mark icon then press on the object and delete it by press the red x icon.
4. Environment Editor: the environment editor allow user to make some adjustments to the environment for the scene, in the image below there are a four options included in this menu: Sun And Sky, HDR, Fog and Advanced Settings.
  • Sun And Sky: in this option user can enable/desable the sun and sky environment, and display between the day and the night mode, also can edit the sun and sky settings values and the sun color into the VR Viewer.
  • HDR: user can enable/desable and edit the light color and the brightness for the HDR in this menu.
  • Fog: is a technique used to enhance the perception of distance by shading distant objects differently, user can enable/desable, change color, density and distance for the fog.
  • Advanced Settings: user can edit the the power of Lights such as Spot and IES lights which her\him create it before into the scene, also can chose the background to Environment (HDR, Sun Light), single color or the image.
5. Navigation Modes: there are a three navigation mode into the VR Viewer: walking, flying and mechanical.
  • Walking Mode: this mode allow user to walking around in the scene such as the human "the first person view", the speed of the walk can be increased by pressing the hold Shift key while walking in the scene, also can decrease the speed by press Caps Lock for one time and back to the normal speed by press it again.
  • Flying Mode: user can fly like a bird in the VR Viewer.
  • Mechanical Mode: this mode allow user to turn the camera view around the scene into the VR Viewer.
6. Create Notes: with new feature user can be create a notes into the VR Viewer, These notes allow her\him to save the viewer location with the direction seen and reference it at any time, also can include some notes using the keyboard or by sketching on the objects and recording the voice.
  • In edit note menu below user can change the image preview for the note by press Capture View, press on the pen icon to start sketching on the objects and It can be deleted by hold right click the mouse over it, also can start recording the voice by press on the red circle icon and on the white square icon to stop recording, the user can delete the record by press on the trash icon.
7. Help
8. Save the Scene: this  option allow user to save the changes on the scene into the VR Viewer as a .vrpackage or .exe file.
9. Restart the Scene: this option allow user to restart the VR viewer in order to back to the first point.
10. Scene Building Mode: Dedicated mode where user can move, rotate, scale, copy, delete, and hide/show objects in the VR Viewer.
  • In this mode user can use two hands interaction with VR scene elements, also can grabbing with two hands.
When user click on in the VR Viewer, the icons below will appear:
Hide/Show object.
Replace the object with another object.
Back to default size for the object.
Make a copied from the object.
Delete the object.
To use Scene Building Mode, user should Make Grabbable for the object before.
12. Large Navigation Mode: with this mode user can start teleportation between the 360 cameras which was creation into the scene.
13. Apply Measurement Mode:  this mode allow user to create and display the projected distance between 2 points in the VR Viewer, the unite used is Meter, to use this mode just press hold the lift click and move the mouse over any object in the viewer, when her\him finish just drop the mouse.
14. Exit, Maximize/Restore Down and Minimize the VR Viewer Screen.